

We were on a cruise ship full of casinos and strange gatherings of people. Margaret and I got a 100 Euro note from an ATM for a little gambling. It happened to also be a delicious biscuit, and I couldn't help but take several bites of it. Suddenly I realized that I had eaten at least 60 Euros worth, and began spitting out the masticated note, hoping that I could still get change for the parts I had chewed up.

We rushed to a choir rehearsal (our whole reason for being on the boat) and began singing. The room was huge, metallic, and dingy. After a while, our vessel separated from the cruise ship and we went rushing across the surface of the sea, out in the bright winter sun and salt spray. We came up on a vast metallic structure jutting up out of the ocean; a tunnel system. It arched up over us and we went inside, traveling down and through its rusted entrails for a while. On the other side there were a great number of rusty barges covered in broken down trucks and small buildings. We landed on an island and began walking. It was desolate, and covered in charred buildings and broken vehicles. The air seemed thick, and though the sun was bright, there was a peculiar dimness all around. Everyone I had been walking with suddenly disappeared, and I was left alone on this strange, deserted island in the middle of the ocean. I walked and walked, and caught a glimpse of some red swamps through the grid of burnt houses. I woke up.



Along the wave front, seeing down into the water and through the sky, we swam after the whales, who lived in some place beyond the curvature of the land and below the surface. I could see the vapors meet the sea, and the great violence of their intercourse. There is endless war and burgeoning life at the intersection of two great bodies. A nymph led me along the whale road, though at times I was separated from her by an enormous swell of rolling blue, and I was left only with my fear and exposure to the vastness.

At last I saw the whales, blue on blue, off the rocky promontory.