

A strange, humid silence fell over the town before the storm drifted in. Everything seemed to go into a charged, meditative state beforehand, and the tree leaves occasionally flashed silver in a display of worship or fear. How wonderful to know, as a result of the heightened perception our technology has brought, that we were on the edge of a beautifully spiraling, enormously proportioned upsurge of energy. The hurricane, so like swirling galaxies, was a reminder of an untouchable enormity at the edge of my life, and of the vast movements of energy and matter of which I am a part.

The vastness of the cosmos is only untouchable in my present consciousness. I am a strange sort of dual-being, one part made of the crude materials of the universe i.e. a part of the universe itself, whereas the other part, my consciousness, is a sort of harmonic overtone produced out of my body's energetic fluctuations, which perfectly mirror those that take place in countless other parts of space.

Every particle of matter has a potential for higher consciousness.



There is no material in the universe that does not speak.